Create Performance Task Draft

Baseball Statistics Generator

  • Creative Homepage welcoming user to generator with multiple ways to navigate throughout the generator
  • May be a page to enter players statistics/ a user can enter personal bests
  • Search tool so that a user can find other users and find their personal bests and other various statistics
  • Comparing page that will allow users to compare themselves with other users
  • Comparing other users to other users based on certain statistics and positions

Program Purpose and Function

I will need to demonstrate a program that can take an input, possibly the user inputting their statistics. I will need to establish what the inputs and the outputs are and what the program is trying to achieve.

Data Abstraction

I will have to create a data structure to store data an then sue that data. I will have to describe how the list’s data would be used for in the program. I could possibly use the statistics that users inputted.

Managing Complexity

Using Lists from a dictionary of traits and statistics of users. I will use a list to help reduce complexity.

Procedural Abstraction

A procedure will be identified in the program, retrieving data from statistics of users, which contributes to the functionality of the program, storing statistics of users to be compared to each other.

Algorithm Implementation

I am not quite sure yet on how I will use sequencing and selection. But I may use iteration in my program by loops when outputing user statistics for each user.


Display the use of the program and how to navigate through the generator. Inputing statistics and searching for other user, also comparing different users.