AppLab Notes

Padres Quiz

1 Program purpose) Purpose to test users knowledge about the Padres 2 Data abstraction) I set a variable called correct to 0 and as the user enter correct answers it would add to that variable giving a final score in the end. 3 managing complexity) I was not able to implement this my own function. 4 procedural abstraction) I was not able to implement my own function. 5 algorithm implementation) I used if statements to change an image to a smiley face or a sad face depending on how many question were answered correct. 6 testing) I used console.log to see if everything worked orderly.

Design Process

When we first started with we decided to plan out what we were going to make our quizzes about. Eventually we decided for one of us to do a Countries Quiz and the other do a Padres Quiz. For the Padres Quiz which is what I decided to create, I decided to have 3 different questions, 2 MC, and 1 free response. I decided to include a Main Screen, How to Play, Questions (1-3), and a Final screen.


I had a few successes through coding my apps in I found success in being able to direct the player to certain screens and coding for the right and wrong answer. At first, I had trouble with the text input question but I was eventually able to figure it out. I also thought that I was successful in being able to make my quiz easy to understand and easy to navigate through.


Throughout the experience I became more familiar with the use of block coding while using the basics of Java. I see this experience as a fun way to navigate through block coding and the basics of Java.


I ran into a few challenges when making this quiz. One being showing the player if they answered correct or incorrect. At first I took the long way and made two different screens for an incorrect answer and correct answer. Later I realized that I should have used if then else statements to just set a picture to show correct or incorrect after entering the answer. I later displayed that in the final screen so if a player earns 3/3 they get a smiley face and if not they get a frowny face


Design Process

For a second app I decided to design a calculator. I went for more of a straight forward approach by just adding 1 screen with multiple buttons and text inputs. I decided to have the 4 main calculating functions that any calculator would have. But I also decided to have 3 buttons that allowed you to either put the previous answer in the 1st number spot, 2nd number spot, or both.


I found success in the 4 main functions since the block coding already had the math operators so I just had to add the retrieved numbers from the elements to get the answer.


Creating a calculator as one of my apps allowed me to get more familiar with math functions and operators.


I had trouble trying to figure out how to insert the answer back into the calculator for it to be subtracted, added, etc., but eventually I figured it out by setting the text of the input as the answer.