HTML Fragments

Changing Theme from Minima to Leap Day

When I changed my theme from Minima to Leap Day, the first thing I noticed was that all the colors changed. I also noticed that all of my posts moved to the left of my fastpages site. I also noticed that the formatting and text font changed. I liked how the title of my site was centered at the top of my screen. The only thing that I didn’t liek was how there is empty space on the right side of the site. Overall I like how nicer and cleaner the theme is compared to minima.

Search Feature

When using the search page I am able to type in any key word that shows up throughout my fastpages website. In this case, I typed in fastpages and the page outputs links to any post, notebook, page and/or markdown that contains fastpages in it.


As you can see I have tags for notesbooks that incule code in them as well as corresponding weeks for the different assignments.