Project: Ramen KJ

We made a Geoguesser inspired project. Geoguesser is an online geography game where players guess the location of a place based on Google Maps Street View images. By analyzing these images, players make educated guesses to earn points. The game offers various maps and themes, including landmarks and remote areas. Geoguesser enhances players’ geography knowledge, observational skills, and cultural familiarity. We emulated this game, but with a focus on our neighborhood 4s Ranch.

Other Projects

We viewed a different project where you were able to play certain cars and see the specifications of the car. It was a game like nitrotype where players would pick cs terms that matched the definition. The player would beable to boost if they got the answer correct or slow down if they get it wrong. They had cool features like a search tool to search for cars that users are interested in. they also had a review function where you could review on certain cars and the specifications of the car.

Art projects

After presenting I walked around the other projects and found my way into the photography room. I saw some really nice photos and found this one really cool. I really liked the contrast the ground creates with the crack spanning across.

Overall thoughts/Reflection

I really enjoyed Night at the Muesuem because we got to see all of our peers hard work and the excitement of being able to showcase our work. I think that its a great way to close out the year and show how much we have learned since we first stepped foot into AP CSP. It provided a unique opportunity to witness the culmination of our hard work and dedication. It allowed us to demonstrate our knowledge and skills while celebrating our achievements. We had a lot of fun and left the event feeling accomplished and eager to continue learning and creating in the future. In conclusion, Night at the Museum was an exceptional event that provided us with the opportunity to proudly present our Geoguesser-inspired project to our peers and teachers. It was a moment of celebration, not only for the successful completion of our endeavor but also for the knowledge and skills we acquired throughout the year. We left the event with a sense of accomplishment and an eagerness to continue exploring and creating meaningful projects in the future.

I remember from when I first entered this class I had no experience with code and how code works. I have grown and now know more than I ever thought I would learn. This class will always be special because we got the opportunity to go past the college board curriculum and learn more advanced level coding. I will never forget the frustration from all of the Sunday nights spent completing the hacks not know if I was fufilling the requirements. But I will also never forget the work that I have completed in this class especially the feeling when you finally get a code segment to work correctly. Although I will not be taking CSA next year I hope to take another coding class in the future or higher education. I hope to attend a 4 year and go into the medical field. Overall this year has been challenging yet fun, it was a great experience and helped me learn some lessons that i will take into my future in higher education