Project: TGDDKP

We made an arcade that acts as a website where users can view and play various games like chess, blackjack, battleship, roulette, and poker. Essentially our website operated like an online gaming site to cure boredem and for students and any users to have fun.

Other Projects

We viewed a different project where you were able to search for certain cars and see the specifications of the car. They had cool features like a search tool to search for cars that users are interested in. they also had a review function where you could review on certain cars and the specifications of the car.

Art projects

After presenting I walked around the other projects and found my way into the photography room. I saw some really nice photos and found this one really cool. I really liked the contrast the ground creates with the crack spanning across.

Overall thoughts

  • I really enjoys N@M because we got to see all of our peers hard work and the excitement of being able to showcase our work