
Through the lectures of 5.1 and 5.1 we discussed many things. More specifically we talked about benefit and harmful effects of technology and how they effect society. We also talked about the Digital Divide, what it is and identifying aspects fo the Digital Divide


In 5.2 we talked about the Digital Divide. More specifically we talked about what the Digital divide is and who is on what side of the spectrum. This divide exists not only between individuals, but also between organizations and businesses. We used Google as an example of digital divide. Google provides its employees with access to better tools, hardware, and machines than those available to the general public. From top-of-the-line computers to the latest software and applications.In contrast, those who don’t have access to the same technology as Google employees face an opportunity gap. Without the latest hardware and software, these individuals are at a disadvantage when it comes to competing in the job market and staying up to date with the newest technology. The digital divide is a significant issue that must be addressed in order to ensure everyone has equal access to the tools and technology needed for success.


Technology has changed the world, both for better and for worse. For example. Chatgpt is a form of technology that has been disruptive to Google’s translation services, since it is able to provide information quickly. The most obvious harm that can come with relying on Chat gpt is that it can limit one’s ability to think critically. When relying on a computer to think for you and provide answers, it can be easy to forget that there may be multiple solutions or answers to the same problem. Additionally, it can be easy to stop learning the methods and logical thinking required to solve problems independently.Another potential harm of Chat gpt is the potential for bias. Computers are programmed by humans, and humans are not perfect. This potential for bias has been made painfully clear in the past, such as when facial recognition software was first released and was found to only work reliably with white people.


Chat gpt is disruptive to google Someone has to figure out how to monetize chat gpt

What can be harmful about chat gpt -you cant think more critically -you arent learning how you ar supposed to be learning -not critical thinking -the bot is doing all the thinking

  • its streamlining it

Whats wrong with the bot generating/calculating answer Bias There can b n solutions or n answers Gives the same answer

Bias is a big thing in computers First time they did facial recognition it only worked with white people

Difference between lack of detailed tech and bias

Some tech that is awful (telepone trees) - calling a number and prompts to press different numbers to transfer to new line

Big Idea 5.2 Digital divide - some people have good computers some people dont, opportunity gap

Digital divide between use and google workers -better tools -better hardware/machines -access to more things