Standards hit

  • So far throughout this year we have completed many of the standards. For example we just started our online project which would satisfy the standards. The development of online project can help apply our skills and learnings to real world applications. I also saw on the standards that it mentions robotics. ALthough we haven’t worked on any applications to rbotics in this class I have used some of the coade that we learned in javascript and applied it to my own robotics club.

Standards looking forward to

  • After looking at the standards I’m really looking forward to developing software for devices and robotics. I think that this standard would really appeal to a lot of students since our lives are so involved with variety of devices and oter technology. I really think that this would be useful to a lot of students since we all use technology and could really learn fromt he things that we practically use every second of our lives.


  • I think that the carrer that applies to the standards the most would be computer science or some type of development of devices ro websites. Since most of these standards involves the relation between technology and humans any career involving the modification of technology would be a really good career for this pathway.