1.4 College Board Video Notes


  • Errors are innevitable in programming
  • In errors in an algorithm or program, there are 4 types of errors:
    • Logic Error:A mistake in the algorithm that causes it behave incorrectly or unexpectedly
    • Syntax Error: A mistake in the program where the rules in the programming language are not followed
    • Run-time error: Mistake in the program that occurs during the excecution of the program. Dependent on the language. Usually refered to as a bug.
    • Overflow error: error that occurs when a computer attempts to handle a number that is outside of the defined range of values.


  • Understanding how to correct errors is essential to programming
  • Best ways to correct errors
    • Test cases
    • Hand tracing
    • Visualizations
    • Debuggers
    • adding extra output statements.
  • The syntax error is usually the easiest error to fix
    • it tells the programmer which line and what the error was.
  • Logic errors are difficult to find and fix.


  • Programmers should come up with testing schemes to ensure that their program works.
    • Identify inputs and correspondng exprected outputs or behaviors check the correctness of the algorithm or program.
  • Defined inputs used to test a program should demonstrate the different exprected outcomes that are at or just beyond the min and max of input data
  • Program requirements identify appropriate defined inputs for testing.
  • As soon as they start programming, they should constantly be testing.
