Day 1 Topic: Variables, Assignments, and Data Abstraction


-dos when naming variable: make it simple Types of data

  • Integer: numbers
  • Text/string: words
  • Boolean: Data that determines if something is true or false Data can be stored in variables
  • so that you ca print retrieve specific values in the list w/o creating many variables
  • easy to remove/add/change items into the list


Operators: allows a program to change the value represented by a variable (=,+=,-=,*=,/=,**=) Values can be stored in a variable

Data Abstraction

  • Method used to represent data in a useful form, by taking wy of data that aren't being used int eh situation
  • Variables and lsts are tools usied in data abstraction
  • It provides a separation between the abstract properties of data type and concrete details of its representation

Lists and Strings

  • list: ordered sequesnt of elements
  • element: individual value in a list that is assigned to a unique index
  • index: a way to reference the elements in a list or string using natural numebrs; each element of a string is referenced by an index
  • string: orderedsequanc of charaters (etters, numbers, special charaters)
  • lists can be used to store multiple elements

Day 2 Topic: Mathematical Expressions and Strings


  • a set of instructions that can accomplish a task
  • Sequencing= order in which instructions are performed
  • Selection= choose which outcome based off a decision
  • Iteration= if a condition is true then the code can repeat

Mathematical Expressions

  • Arithmetic operations exist in most programming languages
  • Subtraction (-), Addition (+), Multiplication (*), Division (/), Remainder(MOD) (%) Order of operations
  • parentheses are done first
  • then division and multiplication and modulus
  • addition and subtraction


  • values can be stored in variables by setting a variable equal to certain values
  • sequencing w/ variables takes the most recent assignment


  • collection of characters
    • characters can be anything from numbers, letters, spaces, special symbols
  • len()= length of a string
  • lower()= converts to lowercase
  • used to handle textual data

Algorithms and Logic

Truth table = has a designated column for each input variable and one column showing the possible results of the logical operation (and, or, xor, not)

console.log("AND: 7 & 4")
console.log("Thinking: 111 & 100 --> 100")
console.log("Answer: 4")
console.log(7 & 4)
console.log("OR: 5 | 3")
console.log("Thinking: 101 | 011 --> 111")
console.log("Answer: 7")
console.log(5 | 3)
console.log("XOR: 2 ^ 8")
console.log("Thinking: 0010 ^ 1000 --> 1010")
console.log("Answer: 10")
console.log(9 ^ 3)
console.log("NOT: ! 1")
console.log("Thinking: false is 1 in binary, not true is false")
console.log("Answer: true")
console.log(! 1)
AND: 7 & 4
Thinking: 111 & 100 --> 100
Answer: 4

OR: 5 | 3
Thinking: 101 | 011 --> 111
Answer: 7

XOR: 2 ^ 8
Thinking: 0010 ^ 1000 --> 1010
Answer: 10

NOT: ! 1
Thinking: false is 1 in binary, not true is false
Answer: true