Boolean Expressions

  • Boolean= A data type with two possible values: true or false

Boolean and Binary

  • Boolean math and binary notation both use the same two ciphers: 1 and 0
  • Binary numbers may be composed of many bits adding up in place-weighted form to any finite value, or size


  • A Boolean value is either TRUE or FALSE

Logical Operators

  • AND : returns TRUE if the operands around it are TRUE
  • OR : returns TRUE if at least one operand is TRUE
  • NOT : returns TRUE if the following boolean is FALSE


  • Selection: uses a condition that evaluates to true or false
  • Algorithm is a finite set of instructions that accomplish a specific task

Nested Conditionals

  • statements consisting of conditional statements within other conditional statements
  • Utilizes "if else" statements within "if else" statements

One in Python

# Here is a python template for you to use.

expired = False
cost = 50

    print('this product is no good')
    if (cost > 50):
        print('this product is too expensive')
    elif (cost < 25):
        print('this is a cheap product')
        print('this is a regular product')
this is a regular product

One in JavaScript

product = {"expired":false, "cost":10}

if (product["expired"] == true) {
    console.log("This product is no good!!!!!!!")
else {
    if (product["cost"] > 50) {
        console.log("THis product is too expensive!11111")
    else if (product["cost"] > 25) {
        console.log("this product normal")
    else {
questions = {
    "Which letter is farthest left on the keyboard?":["a. L","b. U", "c. S", "d. N"], 
    "Which company isn't a computer company?":["a. Apple", "b. Lenovo","c. Nike", "d. HP"], 
    "What coding language do we mainly use in class?":["a. HTML","b. CSS", "c. JavaScript", "d. Python"]

answers = {
    "Which letter is farthest left on the keyboard?":"c", 
    "Which company isn't a computer company?":"c", 
    "What coding language do we mainly use in class?":"d"

score = 0

print("Ready for the computer quiz?")

for q,a in questions.items():


    inp = input("Enter Your Answer")

        score = score +1
        print("Try again")

print('Final Score:', score)
Ready for the computer quiz?
Which letter is farthest left on the keyboard?
a. L b. U c. S d. N
Which company isn't a computer company?
a. Apple b. Lenovo c. Nike d. HP
What coding language do we mainly use in class?
a. HTML b. CSS c. JavaScript d. Python
Final Score: 3